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What should I do when I have located a likely plot?

Ascertain the exact position of the boundaries, find out the exact dimensions, check that all the services you may require (gas, electricity, water, sewage) are available within a reasonable distance. Check with the service providers. Find out the situation with regard to planning and ascertain whether any restrictive covenants are applicable to the site. Contact […]

What is OPP as opposed to DPP?

OPP = Outline planning permission. This means that the site has permission from the Local Authority, which establishes the principle of erecting a dwelling within a given site. DPP = Detailed planning permission. This means that detailed plans and elevations as well as a site plan have been submitted for the construction of a specific […]

How should I draw up my budget?

On completion of your final design, we will prepare a detailed costing for the supply of your building set. We will also provide a guideline budget cost for the actual construction work to help you plan your overall budget. We appreciate that finding the ideal site and obtaining planning permission can take some time, so […]

Will I have to build the house myself?

There would appear to be three preferred build routes. These are: Self-build/manage the build yourself. Engage a professional Project Manager to manage the project for you. Appoint a single contractor to undertake the complete build. For further details see above under the section headed ‘Will building my own house save me money?’

How long will it take to build my dream home?

If you decide to use a main contractor to construct your new home, the house should be completed and ready to move into in approximately 26 weeks. However, this will of course depend on the size and complexity of the design. A slightly extended time frame is to be expected with a project-managed build. However, […]

How are timber frame houses different from a masonry house?

In simple terms, the ‘breeze-block’ structure of a typical masonry house is replaced with an engineered timber frame structure, which is insulated with foil-backed rigid insulation board as well as mineral wool insulation and finished with plasterboard to the inside. The outside of the frame is then clad in brick, block and render, stone, tiles, […]